Monday, May 16, 2011

super hero mom

so my mom is seriously a super hero. she is the sweet and lovely, strong and powerful, determined and brilliant, effortlessly beautiful kind of super hero. my favorite kind. she has always had this magic ability to get a job done. and fast. she is one of the most hard-working, gifted people I know...

here is an example.
our back-yard was a mess. a break-your-ankle-viney-weed-explosion mess.

and super hero mom came over...and 5 hours it looks like this...

amazing right?
she is simply wonderful.
it is so good to be her daughter.
and have a beautiful yard {among other countless beautiful things} because of her and her giving heart.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, that is so sweet! Aren't Moms the BEST?!?! My mom comes over and immediately starts cleaning and arranging like nobody's business! My baseboards don't ever get cleaned unless she is around! I have the BEST furniture from my Mom, too! I love your yard, so inviting!!
